“My mission in life is to empower and inspire individuals to step into their highest self with authenticity and integrity.

I hold space for growth and healing and encourage bold daring steps towards one’s heart’s desire.

I endeavor to ignite passion, encourage discovery, and embrace the unique beauty that each of us offers the world.

Let’s live our lives to the fullest!

Let’s embrace and love ourselves fully!

Let’s join together in community in laughter, in tears and in every true expression of the human heart.

Let’s celebrate the opportunity we each have to exist on this planet!

Let’s go within to find the child, the creative, the playful essence that we all brought into this world.”

-Sarah Watson-

Sarah Watson


“We are only stuck in life if we are stuck in our own minds”

For 15 years, i traveled extensively as a sponsored rock climber, BASE jumper, skydiver and adventure enthusiast. I have spent years learning what it actually means to step into fear, and what is available to us once we do. I have coached hundreds of individuals on stepping into their own fear (both physical and internal) and feeling their truest emotions in order to discover the freedom that exists on the other side of self discovery.

I seek to help individuals delve deeper into understanding the layers of themselves, to embrace their own beauty while also reveling in the dark spaces where growth is inevitable, and to step into fear and discomfort in order to transcend beyond it.

Rediscover yourself!

Break free from fear, doubt, insecurity and shame!

Take control of your life and dare to dream, to be inspired, and to step beyond the boundaries of what you currently think is possible!